The Only Aura User In Magic World

Chapter 375 - A Break From Training

I\'m still resting in Cassau after a week passed.

Thanks to Kayla increasing my natural recovery rate, my bones are getting healed and stronger now.

In the long term, natural recovery is much better than using healing magic. And since this is the first time that I got injured this badly without having anything important scheduled in the near future, it\'s the first time I heal my body naturally instead of using Kayla\'s healing magic.

And since I\'m taking a break from training, I spend my time playing with Daniel and Lana. I also supervised Hannah\'s physical training since next year, she will attend introductory school and finally awakened her magic element.

As I watched her training, I still asked Victoria\'s and Sonia\'s opinion if I could train other people to be Aura users.

"I think you should give up on that. Unless the person you\'re training is ready to die, just tell them how you awaken your Aura safely from your past life. We still don\'t know how our master can see someone\'s potential to be Aura users," Sonia said.

And that\'s how I gave up in training people to be Aura users.

As for Victoria, although we are in human world now, she is still with Shelia hunting monsters so my summoning level can increase.

Since I don\'t have any other things to do, I spent most of the time cultivating to improve my air element level. I haven\'t given up on this as well.

Everything is fine in this world. As expected, the cult didn\'t make any big moves when I\'m away. They must be thinking of doing something during the tournament which Albert and the others are trying to delay as much as possible.

By the way, does Albert already decided the date of the tournament? I guess I\'ll pay him a visit while I\'m here.

Victoria said that she\'s going to hunt monsters with Shelia a bit longer, so it\'s just me and Spot going to the capital. I directly opened a portal to where Albert is after getting permission to visit.

"I heard that you fought with Spot. How was it?" Albert asked.

"I lost miserably. My bones are broken and I needed to rest for another week. Has the date for the tournament been set?"

"One year. That\'s the longest we can delay. Any more than that and we can\'t predict when the cult will do something. That\'s why you have to go train and get another summon as fast as possible," Albert said.

"It\'s easy for you to say… Just fighting Spot and I lost easily. And he was still holding back. If he wants to, he can easily kill me," I said.

"That\'s right! Though I was surprised when you stop my magic breath! But that was much weaker than that time in Henry\'s castle!" Spot said.

What he said is during the time old man Henry got taken into his castle during the chaos there. The attack that destroyed half of the castle and destroyed a mountain.

As expected, Spot was holding back when we fought. If his breath attack is slightly stronger, I will die in an instant.

"Hmm… so you learned something to protect you from magic? That\'s good," Albert said.

As expected, he knows my weakness. I keep forgetting about this, but Albert is a wise king. Maybe because I never see him as a king in this life after getting to know him personally.

"Well, there are many things I have to improve. Once I recovered, I\'ll go back to Monsters World. How about you? Is everything okay here?"

"Well, there are some issues here and there, but there\'s nothing that we can\'t handle," Albert said.

"That\'s good. If there\'s anything troubling you, take care of it yourself," I said as I opened a portal since I\'m leaving.

"Shouldn\'t it be \'if there\'s anything troubling you, call me\'?" Albert asked.

"Nah, that\'s too much trouble. I\'m going to Harold\'s place now. Bye."

On the other side of the portal is Bernard\'s mansion. Harold now can walk on his own and no longer need wheelchair.

I was surprised to see Jill, the girl who was aiming for the throne, is doing some paperwork on the desk.

"Is she working?" I asked Harold.

"Yes. Surprisingly, she\'s good in doing detailed work like paperwork. Seems like I don\'t know anything about my own children…" Harold said.

"Well, that\'s your problem. Not mine. Anything new?" I asked.

"Nothing. Oh, Carmen has just returned from helping Francesco with his territory. There might still be some cult members over there, but they will be more careful in their plan now. As for Francesco himself, he\'s doing well," Harold said.

"Okay then. I\'ll be leaving now."

"Wait, you just came here to ask me that and leave?"

"What else should I do? You can take care of everything here. Oh, right! Luna, you don\'t want to stay in Cassau with Lana and Daniel?" I asked Luna.

Luna then running toward her father and hugged his leg.

"I\'m staying here with father," Luna said.

…children are cute, aren\'t they? I can\'t wait to destroy the cult so I can have children of my own. The girls also wanted to have children.

How many children will I have? Do I need to build a bigger house?

"If that\'s what you want, then so be it. After my body is healed, I will stay in Monsters World most of the time, so you can\'t go travel as you wish then. While I\'m still recovering, you can get Sonia to tell me you want to come and play. Alright, I\'ll be going to old man Henry\'s place now. See ya!"

The next destination is Varadis.

Old man is working and I can see his daughter who is an expert level mage, Julia, is teaching several people about magic control. Most likely, they are the squad who will be sent for the tournament next year.

"Old man, you have prepared your squad?" I asked old man.

"Not yet. They are all people I can trust, but their strength is not enough to face all-expert level mages from the cult. That\'s why Julia is training them," old man said.

"Hmm… at least you have prepared the candidates. Is there anything you want to ask?"

"You\'re not asking if I have anything new?"

"It\'s just us. I know you love to hear about medical knowledge more than asking for my help. If you don\'t have anything to ask, I\'ll be going to Consenza now," I said.

And then, we had a two hours discussion about human body. Using my own body as an example for growing stronger with natural recovery, I explained a lot. Old man also stopped his work to take note of my explanation.

"I see. So, your bones will be stronger and can endure stronger collision without breaking?" old man asked.

"Well, if the collision is too strong, they will still break. But that\'s right. My bones will be thicker and stronger. To be strong, I need to endure the pain. It\'s annoying. And since we don\'t\' know when the cult is going to attack, I can\'t just let my body recover naturally over time. Now is fine since we expect them to attack during the tournament and won\'t make a big move anytime soon. Though I don\'t want to keep breaking my bones," I explained.

"I learned a lot. Thank you. You can go now," old man said.

Lastly is Consenza. I also want to check how Celestine is doing.

"Hello Celestine, Claudia, been a while," I greeted the two of them as I entered the empress\' office.

"Hey! What about me!? I\'m the empress!" Lynn complained.

"Oh, yeah. You\'re here as well. Hi," I said.

"…no respect to the empress. Off with your head!" Lynn shouted.

"You seem to be doing well, Celestine. Don\'t you miss the orphans?" I asked Celestine while ignoring Lynn.

"And now he\'s ignoring me…" Lynn said.

She is fun to tease with. This empress doesn\'t seem very empress-y. Though maybe only when I was around.

"Don\'t tease her too much, Roy. And yeah, I missed the orphans. Good thing after Sonia told me that you\'re coming, I asked for some free time from teaching the mages from the empire," Celestine said.

"Oh, you have prepared the lineup for the tournament?" I asked.

"Yeah. There\'s even another expert level mage among the rank of imperial guards. Maybe I shouldn\'t participate and help you take care of things behind the stage," Celestine said.

"Oh, well, let\'s go home then. Claudia, see you later," I said.

"Yeah, bye!" Claudia waved her hand as I opened a portal back to Cassau.


Suddenly, Lynn stopped us.

"What\'s wrong? Don\'t want your sister to be taken?" I asked.

"That too! And ask me if I\'m doing well!" Lynn shouted.

I look at her and see if anything changed.

"You seem to have gained weight. That\'s a proof that you\'re doing well enough to have eaten that much. It\'s not bad that you gained weight. Instead, I think you are at the ideal weight now compared to your size. I see that you\'re doing well," I said.

"Sigh… just go. I don\'t want to see you anymore," Lynn said.

I can just ask Celestine about what happened in Consenza later at home, so I don\'t need to waste her time.

After returning back to Cassau, the orphans were happy to see Celestine again after a long time.

And I rested for another week until my body is fully healed, then I returned Celestine back to Consenza as I and the three monsters entered Monsters World again to train.

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