Villain: Destiny Transfer System

Chapter 63 Full Extent Of The Formation

Wang Chen retrieved a storage bag from his robes and with a flick of his wrist, he emptied it onto the platform. The sound of clinking stones filled the air as a cascade of glittering spirit stones spilled out.

However, instead of being impressed, Yue Mingluan looked at the meager pile of stones with a smirk on his face and taunted, "Is that all you have? Pathetic. You must have a lot of confidence to challenge me with so little."

"When I destroy that wall, I\'m going to make you a eunuch and cripple you for life so you\'ll never forget the consequences of crossing me."

But Wang was not deterred. He reached into his robes and pulled out not one, not two, but 25-27 storage bags, each filled to the brim with spirit stones.

He poured them all onto the platform, and a loud clattering sound echoed throughout the hall as the stones spilled out. The disciples and Yue Mingluan were stunned by the amount of wealth before them, as they knew that the total value of the spirit stones exceeded 100,000.

"How is this possible?" exclaimed one of the disciples in shock, his eyes widening at the sight of the vast amount of spirit stones pouring out of Wang Chen\'s storage bags. "An Enlightenment Realm cultivator should not have this much wealth!"

Another added, "Perhaps he is working with the enemy faction. They must have given him these resources to deal with us."

The group of disciples exchanged nervous glances, their pride wounded by the thought of being outdone by someone from a lower realm opponent in terms of wealth.

Little did they know that Wang Chen had obtained the spirit stones by killing their comrades and looting other cultivators\' opportunities.

But Wang Chen remained calm and collected as he poured out more and more spirit stones onto the platform, the glittering stones forming a mountain before their eyes. Yue Mingluan\'s mouth hung open in disbelief, his earlier taunts silenced by the sheer magnitude of the wealth before him.

Wang Chen was about to open his mouth to comment on the group\'s apparent disbelief, but suddenly he felt something abnormal and looked towards the formation.

Wang Chen\'s jaw dropped as he saw the spirit stones being sucked up by the formation faster than a rat up a drainpipe. "Holy crap," he exclaimed, "at this rate, I\'ll be more broke than that guy who traded his sword for a bowl of rice."

He saw that the spirit stones were being absorbed ten times faster than before. If previously the formation was absorbing 500 spirit stones per attack, this time it was absorbing 5000. "What\'s happening?" he wondered aloud, his mind racing to figure out what was going on.

As the formation absorbed the spirit stones, the room began to rumble and shake. The sound of stone cracking echoed through the hall, causing the disciples to look around in confusion. Yue Mingluan\'s eyes widened in awe as he watched the spectacle before him. "What sorcery is this?" he exclaimed, his nerves on edge. "Is this formation going to explode or something?"

But before anyone could answer, The four divine beast statues lining the walls suddenly began to tremble violently, The disciples backed away in fear as cracks appeared near the statues\' mouths. Beams of light shot out from their eyes and mouths, striking the walls with a force that shook the entire room.

"What is going on?" Wang Chen shouted above the noise, his eyes fixed on the statues as they continued to unleash their power.

As the statues unleashed their powerful energy, the disciples were momentarily stunned, but quickly regained their composure and began to defend themselves. However, their feeble attempts at defense were no match for the overwhelming force of the statues.

The ground trembled beneath them with each blast of the statues\' energy, as if the very foundations of the room were being shaken apart. The disciples struggled to stay on their feet as the force of the attacks threatened to knock them off balance.

As the light beams collided with the walls and floor, debris and rubble rained down on the disciples, adding to the chaos and confusion. The air was thick with dust, making it difficult to see or breathe, and the deafening sound of explosions and cries of the wounded made it even harder to concentrate.

The disciples cried out in pain and fear as they tried desperately to avoid being hit by the deadly beams of light. Some were thrown to the ground by the force of the attacks, while others stumbled and fell, their bodies wracked with pain.

Through the haze of dust and debris, Wang Chen struggled to make out what was happening. But when the dust finally settled, he was met with a gruesome sight. The bodies of the disciples lay motionless on the ground, their once-strong bodies now broken and lifeless.

"I was lucky that time the spirit stones were not enough, or I would be…" Wang Chen recalled the time when he killed a disciple for a yellow level opportunity to enter this hall.

He had obtained the treasure kept here, but as he collected it, he was suddenly attacked and trapped in a formation. Wang Chen searched for a way out, but all he could see was a platform protected by a transparent wall where the formation was built.

He couldn\'t break the wall and had to defend himself. However, those attacks were like mere scratches compared to the powerful beam the statue just unleashed now.

Wang Chen could only guess that this was the full extent of the formation as he saw that the statues were shattered.

"Wang Chen, you damn bastard!" Yue Mingluan\'s hoarse voice echoed in Wang Chen\'s ears. As the dust settled on Yue Mingluan\'s side, Wang Chen could see Xoung He and Zhu lying on the ground like dead fish, their expressions filled with disbelief. Yue Mingluan was panting heavily and coughing up blood, with his torn robes and a talisman on his chest that was also torn apart.

[A/N:- Hey guys, just a quick heads up - you can find the monthly goals in the Auxiliary Chapters section. If you wanna lend a hand and help me smash them, that\'d be awesome!]

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