Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System

Chapter 94 Medium Sized Mine

Then Han Cai asked the system to help him create this technique step by step.

System and Han Cai began to develop the Space Escape Technique together. The technique involved the manipulation of space to create a temporary pocket dimension that could transport him to another location. Han Cai could visualise a destination in his mind and create a small portal that would transport him there instantly.

To create this portal, Han Cai had to gather celestial Qi from his dantian or use exchange points from the system and focus it on a specific point. Then he would use celestial Qi to manipulate the spatial laws to break the fabric of space, which created a small portal. This portal could transport him to any location he could visualize, as long as it was within a certain distance. The detailed process sounded long. If Han Cai used the skill, he would disappear in a fraction of a second. As long as he had celestial Qi in his dantian and a destination in his mind, he could disappear instantly.

The space escape technique had some limitations. His current cultivation level limited the distance that Han Cai could travel, and he couldn\'t transport any living being with him except for himself. Also, it required a significant amount of Qi, and Han Cai couldn\'t use it too frequently, or else he would exhaust his Qi reserves.

Despite its limitations, the Space Escape Technique was the biggest lifesaver for Han Cai. He could use it to escape dangerous situations or quickly travel to different locations without being detected. With this technique and the clone technique, Han Cai was eighty percent confident in coming out alive from any sticky situation.

There were two months left before inner core disciple Niu would leave the sect on a mission to her doom.

Han Cai started working on the next stage of his plan. Han Cai spent a considerable amount of exchange points and asked the system to help him with the location where disciple Niu would be in two months when she began the mission.

The system did some calculations and gave Han Cai the exact locations where inner core disciple Niu and outer sect elders would be passing by after two months.

Han Cai also asked the system to give him the precise location of the elders of the Cui family and the bandits after two months. The system did the same thing when charging exchange points. It calculated again. Seeing how precise the system was, maybe in the future he could begin a business of divining the future for cultivators with a hundred percent success.

Han Cai shook his head and came back to reality. Han Cai asked Yonginan to go to a specific location and wait for him.

What he planned to do was dangerous, and unlike him, Yonginan did not have a space escape technique forget about space escape he did not even have a normal escape technique. Han Cai also asked the system to remind him later so he could add some escape techniques to his subordinate Yonginan. Having a subordinate was a very useful thing, and Han Cai wanted to make the most use of him.

Once Yonginan left, Han Cai started moving through the forest at breakneck speed.

For the first week, he visited a few more small spirit stone mines and absorbed them dry. After a week of absorbing enough exchange points, Han Cai decided to move towards his next destination. This time, he was not going towards a small mine, but towards a medium-sized mine.

Han Cai moved through space instead of flying, as the medium-sized spirit stone mine was very far from where Han Cai was. The system kept refilling his dantian whenever it went empty. After a month of continuous travel deep in the forest, Han Cai was in front of treacherous mountains. Beyond these mountains was the medium-sized spirit stone mine.

Han Cai did not move forward. He stayed far from the mountain range, and another Han Cai walked out beside him. The second Han Cai disappeared using invisibility.

Han Cai\'s clone approached the treacherous mountain range. He couldn\'t help but feel a sense of unease. The mountain range was known for its rugged terrain, treacherous cliffs, and unpredictable weather patterns. It was home to all sorts of dangerous beasts and monsters, making it a difficult place for any cultivator to navigate.

The clone had to be careful as he made his way through the mountain range. He had to dodge falling rocks and avoid getting caught in treacherous rock slides. The path was narrow, steep, and dark, and the clone had to use his qi control to maintain his balance and prevent himself from falling off the cliff.

As he approached the medium-sized spirit stone mine, the clone noticed that it was located in a cave deep inside the mountain. The entrance to the cave was guarded by several fierce beasts that looked like they were bred for battle. The clone knew that he had to be careful not to alert them, or else he would be in for a difficult fight.

Using invisibility control, the clone moved stealthily towards the cave entrance. He observed the beasts for a while, trying to identify their weak spots. Once he had a plan in mind, he took a deep breath and charged towards the entrance, hoping to catch them off guard.

The beasts noticed the clone at the last minute and sprang into action. They charged towards him with ferocious intent, but the clone was too quick for them. He dodged their attacks with ease and continued moving towards the medium-sized mine.

Suddenly, a shadow swiped towards Han Cai\'s clone. The clone hurriedly used the escape technique. The clone narrowly escaped death by a hair\'s breadth.

As Han Cai\'s clone looked up, he saw a massive creature looming over him. The beast was a giant panther with pitch-black fur that blended in with the surrounding darkness. Its eyes shone a bright green, reflecting the light from the moon above. Han Cai\'s clone noticed that the Panther\'s body was incredibly muscular, indicating that it was a fierce predator.

The panther\'s head was adorned with two pointy ears, and its jaws were wide enough to swallow a human whole. Its teeth were long and sharp, glinting menacingly in the dim light. The Panther\'s claws were even more fearsome, each one as long as a human arm and razor-sharp. Its paw pads were soft and silent, allowing it to move with stealth and grace despite its massive size.

As Han Cai\'s clone observed the Panther more closely, he noticed the patterns on its fur. They were intricate and beautiful, like an artist had painted them by hand. The patterns formed a unique design that seemed to tell a story. Han Cai\'s clone wondered how such a magnificent beast ended up in this mountain range.

Then he realised he was asking a stupid question. The clone quickly became aware that this was not an average panther. It was an elite beast, not just 700 years old but over a thousand years old. Its age was evident from the wisdom in its eyes, as if it had experienced many decades. This elite beast was a testament to the power of nature and a symbol of the balance between life and death in the world of cultivation.

When the Panther tried to attack again, the clone disappeared, and it never existed. Outside the mountain, Han Cai\'s main body shivered, that Panther was really dangerous. No wonder only nascent soul cultivators could fight an elite beast such as that.

The reason why this elite beast was here was most probably because of the thick spirit energy provided by a medium-sized mine.

Han Cai waited for a day and sent his clone again. This time, the clone used space escape and directly appeared at the location where it had disappeared last time while facing the Panther. The clone made some progress this time. When he was closer to the entrance of the cave, the Panther attacked once more, and the clone vanished again.

This continued for a few days.

The clone would use space escape to arrive at the location where it had disappeared and move towards the entrance of a medium-sized mine. When the Panther would attack, the clone would ultimately disappear.

Finally, on the seventh day, Han Cai\'s clone was able to enter the medium-sized spirit mine.

This mine was a bit different compared to the small spirit stone mine.

The walls and ceiling of mine were rough and uneven, with jagged rocks protruding at odd angles. The air was thick with dust and the scent of earth, and Han Cai\'s clone had to shield his eyes from the swirling particles to avoid irritation.

The mine was large, as it contained several veins of spirit stone embedded in the rocky walls.

The floor of the mine was uneven and rocky, with loose stones and boulders scattered about. Han Cai\'s clone had to be careful with each step, as he didn\'t want to cause a cave-in or trigger stones to fall down. The walls were also pockmarked with holes and crevices, some of which seemed to lead deeper into the mountain.

The entrance to mine was very small. The elite beast could not enter there. Han Cai made his clone check every corner of the mine for danger. After finding out that it was safe inside, Han Cai made his clone disappear, and his real body appeared inside the mine.

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