Transmigrated Scoundrel's Exchange System

Chapter 209 Array And Talisman

Now that things were resolved, Han Cai went back to learning array formations. First, he spent a few days reading and memorizing every part of the array as if he were back in school. When he felt ready, he began preparations to create the array.

The array he planned to create was called the Whispering Wind Array. The Whispering Wind Array was a basic defensive array that used the power of the wind to create a subtle barrier around a designated area. The barrier, while not visibly noticeable, was capable of detecting and alerting the user of any intrusions or disturbances within the protected zone. The array was particularly effective against stealthy or undetected approaches, as the barrier generated a gentle, whisper-like sound when disturbed, alerting the user to the presence of intruders.

Han Cai started by organizing the materials he needed: a quality array drawing brush, array diagrams, formation flags, inscription ink, beast blood, focusing lenses, formation soils, and other necessary items.

Han Cai did not plan to use an Earth-grade treasure. With his low cultivation, even if he wanted to use an Earth-grade brush, he could not.

Han Cai then took the brush and dipped it in the inscription ink mixed with a small amount of beast blood. This combination allowed for a stronger and more stable connection between the spiritual energy and the array.

This brush was not as good as an Earth-grade one, but it was still of great quality.

With the brush in hand, he meticulously drew the formation patterns on the formation flags, following the array diagrams he had studied earlier. The quality of the brush allowed for smoother and more precise strokes, resulting in a more effective array.

Still, it took him five weeks before the diagrams on each formation flag were complete.

Once the formation patterns were drawn on the flags, Han Cai carefully placed the flags at each corner of his courtyard.

He then used the focusing lenses to channel the spiritual energy from the surrounding environment into the formation flags, activating the array.

Next, Han Cai sprinkled formation soil around the area to further strengthen the array\'s connection to the earth and enhance its stability. With all the materials in place, the Whispering Wind Array began to take shape.

As the array activated, an invisible barrier formed around his courtyard, powered by the wind\'s subtle energy.

Han Cai tested the effectiveness of the array by trying to approach it stealthily. As he neared the barrier, a soft whisper-like sound emerged, confirming the array\'s successful creation.

Han Cai was very pleased with his first array creation. He was experiencing a moment of euphoria for achieving something on his own.

Suddenly, he felt something move inside him. For some reason, his knowledge about arrays improved, and the Whispering Wind Array that had looked so complex to him suddenly felt too easy.

Han Cai understood that this was his innate ability\'s reaction to his growth. This proved his theory was right; he had to grind continuously if he wanted his innate abilities to awaken.

After successfully creating the array, Han Cai began preparing for talisman creation. First, he started practicing the talismans on heavenly silk. He would keep making mistakes, but he continued trying. After two months of consistent practice, Han Cai felt he was ready to create his first talisman.

Just like with the array, he spent a few days memorizing every detail of the talisman. After he had committed all the information to memory, he began talisman creation.

The talisman he planned to create was called the "Soothing Moonlight Talisman." This talisman was designed to provide a calming effect on the user\'s mind, helping them maintain mental clarity and focus during cultivation or other high-stress situations.

The Soothing Moonlight Talisman was shaped like a crescent moon, and when activated, it emitted a gentle, silvery light that enveloped the user, soothing their mind and easing any tension or anxiety. By using this talisman, cultivators could achieve deeper states of meditation and accelerate their progress in cultivation.

The talisman was particularly useful for those who faced difficulties in calming their thoughts or who were prone to distractions. Additionally, it could be used in everyday life to help individuals manage stress and maintain a clear, focused mind.

First, Han Cai chose a high-quality talisman paper that was sturdy yet flexible. The paper had a unique texture, as it was made from a blend of rare plants and had been refined by skilled craftsmen.

Next, he mixed the special ink and beast blood to create a potent blend for drawing the talisman. The combination of the ink\'s spiritual properties and the beast\'s blood\'s innate energy would imbue the talisman with better effects.

eaglesnovɐ1,сoМ With everything prepared, Han Cai focused his mind and began to draw the Soothing Moonlight Talisman. He held a quality brush with a steady hand, allowing his spiritual energy to flow through it. The brush moved gracefully across the talisman paper, leaving behind intricate lines and patterns that formed the basis of the talisman\'s structure. He was careful to maintain a steady flow of energy, ensuring that the talisman would be balanced and effective.

Once the drawing was complete, Han Cai reviewed his work, checking for any imperfections or inconsistencies. Satisfied with the result, he began the final step of the process: the talisman\'s activation. He circulated his spiritual energy and channeled it into the talisman, causing it to emit a gentle, silvery light as the Soothing Moonlight Talisman came to life.

Han Cai felt satisfied, and he experienced a similar feeling to when he had created the array. Something inside him moved, and now the Soothing Moonlight Talisman felt very easy to him. If he wanted, he could create hundreds of them without worry in the world.


Gifts are always appreciated, but golden tickets and power stones matter a lot too. 

If we reach 2000 power stones, I will release two supplementary chapters. 

If we reach 1000 golden tickets, I will release five supplementary chapters.

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