One Piece: My Infinity Gauntlet!

Chapter 6 - 6: First Blood!


When the merchant ship, which had been beaten to a pulp in the pursuit, finally approached the island, desperation was evident on everyone\'s face!

Forget about the two overlord-sized beasts, Little Black and Little White, just the dozens of pairs of fierce eyes behind them made these people shudder.

"Captain! Let\'s go around here and run!" The first mate was frightened, as he suggested.

The middle-aged man known as the captain hesitated for a moment, but after glancing at their rear, his gaze immediately hardened as he ordered!

"Stop the ship and dock!"

"This ship is finished, if you don\'t want to be sold into slavery, get off the ship later and run as far away as you can."

"Life and death is just a matter of time and wealth, who lives and who dies, let\'s bet on luck!"

"If anyone survives and returns to the Chamber, remember! The dead must be avenged! Those bastards must pay with their blood!"

The middle-aged captain\'s mobilization stirred the crew\'s last hope and motivation!

"Yes, don\'t lose hope!"

"Don\'t be so pessimistic, what if all these beasts are vegetarians, huh? Hehe...."

In the process of drifting ashore, looking at the fierce and visible beasts in front of them, everyone once again fell into a dead silence, afraid of making any noise to arouse their ferocity.

At this time, Will, who had already transformed into his beast form, was also among his group of little brothers and was not at all conspicuous.

When the boat finally docked, no one dared to be the first to get off the boat, since those who went out first would definitely become the rations for the beasts, while creating a chance of survival for those who came after.

In the face of life and death, no one could be so unselfish!

"Hahaha! Keep running!"

At this time the pirate ship catching up from behind has also approached this side, and the ugly-looking pirates on the ship do not mince their mocking laughter!

This game of cat and mouse is over!

"Surrender, I promise we only want money, and will not kill you ~ haha!"

"The captain is so bad~ What if these people become emotional and would rather feed the beasts rather than surrendering!"

"Since they can\'t make up their minds, let\'s help them by aiming at the rear of their hull with a cannon!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The one-eyed captain licked his dry lips full of blood, after he received news from his insiders that the Bluebird Chamber of Commerce had accidentally obtained a valuable treasure, he led his men to intercept the route of their return voyage.

It was just that he didn\'t expect that there were many good fighters on this insignificant merchant ship, and they actually ran away from them when he wasn\'t paying attention.

However, with the hull damaged, this act was just a futile struggle.

The sound of two cannon fires woke up the struggling crew members, and the solid shells that fell into the water right behind them whispered in their ears like a reminder.

The middle-aged captain had noticed the wavering in many of the men\'s eyes, so he had a fierce glint in his eye.

"All of you charge with me, surrender is just a death, or do you want to be slaves for the rest of your lives?"

The middle-aged captain\'s words spoke to their hearts, so they were determined not to hesitate to follow him into the forest.


When they saw these little insects running on their way, Little Black and the others instinctively showed the desire to attack, but all sat back down under the roar of the \'Honey Badger\'.

And seeing this bizarre scene made the one witnessing it both happy and confused!

Each of them rushed down with the belief that they would die, but to their surprise, they found that the huge beasts seemed to have no interest in them and let them run past them.

When the middle-aged captain of the ship rushed into the forest with his men, each of them couldn\'t help but look back, it was so weird! But most of all they are happy to not be eaten!

Are the beasts of this island really vegetarians who only eat fruit?

They\'re not the only ones who can\'t figure it out.

Who can tell me what is going on in the world?

Could it be that these beasts have had their fill and are not interested in these \'little things\'?

The one-eyed captain was confused for a moment.

"Captain, they\'re all far away, what should we do, should we chase after them?"

"First go to their ship first and find out all the valuable things in there."

If the ship\'s treasure satisfied him, then he wouldn\'t mind \'exiling\' them here for the rest of their lives as savages.

Just a few minutes later...

"Captain, we\'ve been tricked! Only a few hundred thousand Beli\'s were found on the entire ship, and not a single shadow of the bullshit secret treasure was seen!"

Hearing the first mate\'s words, the One-Eyed captain\'s face turned gloomy, but he believed that the insider would never dare to lie to him, unless they didn\'t want the lives of their family to be lost!

"It should have been taken by those people, chase them ashore!" With his teeth gritted, One-Eye made a move that he will regret for the rest of his life.

Although the beasts that were lined up on the shore were behaving themselves, as evidenced by those who had gone in unharmed, the pirates still moved cautiously after landing until the first ones reached the edge of the forest.

And it wasn\'t until the front runners had reached the edge of the forest that they all let their guard down.

It seems that these beasts are really strange, either they are already full of food or they are only vegetarians, but still what a waste of a bluff for such a size!

Just as they were thinking this, they suddenly heard a roar that startled them!

Then their faces contorted and turned extremely pale!

It was because the behaving beast that was lining up suddenly started rioting and ran towards the pirates with great momentum!


"I thought they were not aggressive! Why is that!"

"Don\'t eat me, don\'t... Ah!"

"My hand! My hand!"

"Help me, help me!"

These pirates are at most ordinary people, and they are just a little stronger than the average man, so they didn\'t last before the ferocious beasts!

By the time the one-eyed captain recovered from the shock, half of the men he had brought with him were already dead, and all of them had died so miserably that they had almost been eaten as snacks.

Just as he panicked and prepared to escape back to his ship, Will, who had been watching him for a long time, was waiting behind him.

The sharp claws gently stroked One Eye\'s neck, and the head, which still had an unintelligible look on it, rolled to the ground with a grunt, while the body followed the inertia and ran two more steps forward before falling to the ground in resignation.

Killing someone really felt bad!

But for Will, who had already experienced more than a year of primitive hunting life, this level of bloodshed could only cause him slight discomfort at most, and then quickly overpowered the uncomfortable feeling.

The world he was living in now was a world where the strongest were the most important, and killing and being killed would become a normal thing.

So he had to adapt to this world as quickly as possible, and really didn\'t have the time to be sentimental.

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