The Mage of Primordial Chaos

Chapter 155 - Rescue Squad

- The Coastal Metropolis, Back Entrance -

After leaving Feng Mian, I quickly pulled out my phone to check out my cover identity that Song Qian Long had created, and also sent Mei Gui a message letting her know to expect Feng Mian while I was at it. Apparently, my information was as follows:

Name: Zhang San

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Red

...These all look fine, but the name...Zhang San, really?!1

In addition, since I could use all 21 elements, Song Qian Long had specified which elements I was to use under this identity...and in order to avoid attracting attention to myself, I was only allowed to use one, and the most common one at that - Fire.

Man...I understand why he wanted me to be inconspicuous as possible, and I agree, but seriously? I can only use Fire element spells? This is going to be a pain...well, at least Fire is one of my more proficient elements.

Speaking of elements...I haven\'t done the Awakening test for becoming an Intermediate Mage yet. I still have to go to an IMF office for that, once all of this is over and if I am still alive...

After around 10 minutes, I arrived at the meeting location for the rescue squad - the back entrance of the mall, since the entire front side was burning and still not completely extinguished yet. I had both my hood and mask on, and tried to remain in the background as much as possible. I stayed at the back of the crowd that had gathered, and refrained from any interaction with others. Luckily, no one else seemed to be trying to make conversation either, so I didn\'t come off as awkward or anti-social.

Everyone must be pretty nervous...especially if they\'ve seen how strong the monsters are.

Once a good amount of people had gathered, and it didn\'t seem like any more were coming, a man who looked like the leader with his formal city guard uniform and serious face walked up in front of us, and cleared his throat.

"Alright, everyone! Normally, I would get all of you to line up properly, but people out there are dying by the second! There\'s no time to waste!" he declared, and the assembled rescue squad cheered in response. Once the roaring had died down, the man continued. "But before that, in order to ensure everyone is here, I must take attendance. When I call out your name, just yell out \'yes, sir\'! Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" the crowd roared, and I quietly added a \'yes, sir\' of my own into the mix as well.

"Good! Now then, let\'s start!" the man yelled. "Zou Yu Han!"

"Yes, sir!" a man with a mohawk shouted in return. He looked experienced in battle. Probably someone who retired from the armies, or used to be part of some gang.

"Xiang Peng!"

"Yes, sir!" a girl with twin ponytails responded loud and clear.

She had freckles on her face, green hair, and blue eyes. She was shorter than me, but considering she was among this group, she was definitely Advanced Mage or above. Either her height just didn\'t suit her age (like Qing Yue) or she was the same age as me or even younger, but was already an Advanced Mage. That required both an insane amount of talent and resources, since personal Advancement Exams cost quite a bit. Therefore, the first probability was more likely. After all, there were many people that were far shorter than their age\'s average.

The leader-like man continued, after ticking off a box on the paper he was holding. "Zhao Xin Ya!"

"Yes, sir!" a tall man with glasses replied with a short salute. If that Zou Yu Han guy from earlier looked like he was from the armies, this guy was even more so. In fact, he looked like he was still in the armies, but just serving as a city guard temporarily or something. He even got the proper form salute down.

This process repeated for several more times:

"Wan Jin!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Wen Tai!"

"Yes, sir!"

"Tan Shui Jing!"

"Yes, sir!"

After exactly forty-nine people being called before me, I began to wonder if Song Qian Long added me at all. But then, the fiftieth name came.

"This, Zhang San!"

My eyes widened, and I immediately raised my hand and spoke up. "Yes, sir!"

I heard murmurs going around, and they weren\'t exactly friendly.

"Zhang San...? Seriously? That\'s this guy\'s name?" Zou Yu Han murmured.

"He doesn\'t look strong either...and what\'s with the mask...?" another added.

"Quiet!" the leader suddenly yelled, and everyone immediately shut up. "Alright. Everyone is here. We have fifty people in total, and with me that makes fifty-one. Our premier goal this time is rescue any survivors out there! Exterminating the monsters come second! Understand?!"

"Yes, sir!" everyone yelled energetically in response.

"Good! Once we\'re out there, you\'re on your own. If you don\'t listen to my orders and get yourself in a dangerous situation, no one will come to save you, understand?!"

"Yes, sir!" everyone yelled once more.

"Stellar! Now then, if you think you are the strongest among all of us here, not counting me, stand up!"

Nearly everyone stood up. Oh man...this is one of those moments where I have to decide which option is less conspicuous. Obviously, by common sense, remaining seated would be the least attention-attracting choice, but when 90% of the entire squad is standing, screw it, majority rules.

I stood up as well, and the leader, seeing the sheer mass of people who thought they were the strongest here, laughed.

"Good! I like that confidence of yours! But whether that is actually confidence, or juts pure arrogance...we will find out soon enough!"

"How will we determine who\'s the strongest?" Xiang Peng, the girl with ponytails from before asked.

"Hmph. There is no time for actual fights, so we will determine this easily by your mage rank. All Advanced Mages, sit down. You aren\'t strong enough."

"N-No way..." a dejected man slumped back into his chair at this sudden rejection. Many others followed.

They probably knew faking wouldn\'t do anything here, either, as the leader undoubtedly had the profiles of each and every single one of us. Lying would accomplish nothing but get yourself labeled a shameless loser. Naturally, I sat down as well, thanking the heavens for this opportunity to blend in.

The remaining number of people could be counted on one hand. They were Zou Yu Han, Xiang Peng, and Zhao Xin Ya, and Tan Shui Jing. Among them, Xiang Peng was the only one I was really surprised about. I didn\'t feel an immensely powerful aura from her like I do from Song Qian Long, Ghosteye, or Plague, but she\'s above Advanced Mage rank?

Could it be...a strength-concealing artifact, or something of the sort?

The leader glanced down at his sheet of paper, before eyeing the remaining four still standing. "The four of you...are all Ancestral Mages, huh?"

"Yes, sir!" the four of them replied simultaneously.

The leader clapped his hands together. "Alright! Each of you will lead a squad of nine members. I will lead the remaining nine. That means we will be split into groups of ten in total! We will communicate using these walkie-talkies, and be sure to listen to your group leader! Now, hurry up and form your own groups, behind one of the leaders! We don\'t have time to assign each of you properly, just ensure each group has ten people in total! Go!"

After a lot of shuffling, the grouping was done. Many people had chosen to go to Xiang Peng\'s group, since she was arguably pretty cute, but of course each group could only accommodate ten people. The unlucky guys who weren\'t too quick on their feet got the short end of the stick, and had to go to one of the remaining groups.

A lot of the people chose to go to the leader\'s group as well, since he was probably the strongest out of all of us here. Otherwise, why would he be chosen as leader?

As for me, I was in Xiang Peng\'s group. The reason for this was she seemed less...strict than the others, meaning I could probably trick her with a lame excuse then go do my own thing, should the time ever come. Since I...uh, have a habit for that.

Once we all had settled down, the leader grinned. "Alright! Now then, let\'s move out!"


The Rescue Squad, assembled to fight against this disaster. There were fifty of us in total, and with the leader that made fifty-one. We were currently traversing through the monster-infested city, with no one to rely on but ourselves. What\'s more, we had split into five groups, meaning it was really just ten of us against god knows how many monsters. Of course, we still had communication with the other groups through our handheld transceivers, but that could only do so much in a life-and-death emergency.

Now then...Qing Yue, Yu An Xue, and Yu An Yan...where are you?

Zhang San is kind of like the \'John Smith\' of Chinese. It is used when referring to an unspecified person, so basically no one is actually called \'Zhang San\'. If by some chance, there\'s actually a guy in China or somewhere named \'Zhang San\', all I can say is their parents are really bad at naming things. Like, worse than me bad.

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