In A Cultivation World With An Entertainment Park

Chapter 169 The Unreliable Duo

Blink. Blink.

Miroku blinked severally at the scene before them.

Excuse me... but were they getting robbed?

Standing before him were no less than 40 men with daggers, clubs, and several other weapons in their hands.

And wouldn\'t you know it? Just above their heads were the words \'NPC: Thief\' floating right there.

The men and a few women smiled while waving their weapons around provocatively.

Some lightly tapped their clubs into their hands, while others swirled their blades around as if trying to show their skill levels.

Others spat in a very manly way, while others even smashed their fists together.


The men and women were tough, with no one looking easy to deal with.

But maybe the most shocking thing was that just below their floating [Thief] identity, one could see a few of them who were Lvl 2 ranked.


Didn\'t this mean these few people could move freely between this region and the immediate region above the sky?

No matter how he looked at it, he felt like he, still a Lvl 1 person, who hadn\'t even adequately mastered any real techniques here, would be at a disadvantage compared to these thieves.

Miroku looked at the situation and felt his body go chill.

But soon, his panic quickly faded after realizing another vital fact.

They had Boss Chu with them. So why was he panicking so much?


Feeling delighted, Miroku quickly threw his head behind his shoulders without a moment to spare.


Boss Chu was right by their side.

Boss Chu was... was... was... Where?

Eh? Where the hell was Boss Chu?



At lightning speed, Chu Che and Old Fru had long disappeared, leaving the gang to deal with matters for themselves.

Hey. It\'s a dog-eat-dog world here.

So what could they say?

They took off at the drop of a hat while leaving a simple sentence to the gang: [Find us at the Academy.]

Everyone was dumbfounded

... Erm... excuse them, but was that it?

No clues on how to get out of the situation?

No assistance on the matter, just casual fleeing?

Okay. Okay. It\'s alright that you want to go.

But if you have the power, speed, and strength to vanish so fast, why don\'t you just take down a few others on your way out?

Chu Che\'s words echoed across the scene, and even the bandits heard his words and quickly liked around vigilantly.

Of course, those like Little Lulu and Mimo, who were long used to the duo\'s actions, knew how unreliable they were at times like this.

But for newbies like Miroku, they didn\'t know whether to laugh or cry at the situation now.

All a brother was asking for was a little help, alright?



Everyone inwardly felt aggrieved after finally seeing the duo\'s silhouettes far, far away from where they were currently standing.

That is, the duo were now very close to the gates of the massive city walls, while they were still so far away, way out in the open fields close to the dye of the following island.


They were so close to the edge that if they fought and accidentally got pushed down, wouldn\'t they fall into the boiling lava below?


Before they even touched the surface of the lava pool, the uncountable dancing Lava serpents would engulf them whole in delight.

After all, who would be like a tasty snack?

Now, they couldn\'t help wondering about those that fall from far above.

Hey! Unless they were beast tamers or had some flying animal that might aid them in landing on the floating islands, it\'s evident that they would fall into the boiling pit below.

Instantly, the air grew tense with alarm as everyone steadily hunched their backs while reaching for their weapons in self-defense.

Prwl! Prwl!

A few pebbles rolled off the edge of the cliff, as some had subconsciously stepped too close to the edge.

And the current scene now looked like some blockbuster scene, drilled with silence and unpredictability.

You look at me; I look at you. You look at my weapon; I look at your toes.

Eyes darted suspiciously between the thieves and the players, with both sides clenching their weapons hard.

Maybe because of Chu Che and Old Fru\'s exit, the thieves had begun looking at the gang suspiciously.

Why did those guys bypass them and say such bold words, as if convinced that the strength of these people would be enough to take them down, who were seasoned thieves?

Could it be that these people were using them for training practice?

Or... could it be that this was what the enemy wanted them to believe?

Could it be that it was all a hoax just to frighten them into letting these people go?


What was this confusing setup?



With suspicions hovering around, the thieves dared not take these people lightly.

And now, even though they had backed these people to a corner, they were

The thieves had backed their prey to a corner just as planned.

But for a moment, they felt very undecided on what to do next.

And during this time, their leader was also deep in thought.

Look! Things had already come this far.

So even if they backed away, who could be sure that these people would let them go?

Besides... he still had his suspicions on the matter, so what if they were weaklings?

The leader glanced at the people before him, still radiating a powerful Lv 2 aura before them.

"We gave you a choice... Your goods or your life. But since it\'s clear as day that you\'ve chosen the second option, then don\'t blame me for being ruthless! Everyone, attack these sons of b**ches for me! Kill them! KILL THEM ALL!"

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