Monarch of Darkness, Arsene

Chapter 379: Lilith - The Weave

Chapter 379: Lilith - The Weave

Waiting near the beach overflowing with sand, I rested upon Arsene\'s broad shoulders, waiting for the young couple of three to dress.

"I wanna kill them. They are only World Kings like you."

"When did you become so bloodthirsty?" He asked, lifting his sharp brow in my direction.

Snuggling deeper in, I countered, "When did you become less? Is it because of that new cultivation technique, or is it due to me?" I asked, both wishing to know and not.

"Who can say." He absent-mindedly replied, carrying a downcasted expression to my surprise. Noticing a faint glint of dark clouds beginning to cloud his vision, I frowned. I may have been away for a while, but Arsene told me many things.

"Arsene?" I called out, watching the life within his eyes begin to come alive.

"Oh, can you send over the blood? I think grey needs it to see how we work." He voiced, seemingly not aware of what just transpired. Reaching for his cheeks, he turned to me as if to speak but held his lips.

Pushing abyssal energy within his body, I closed my eyes, entering a world of eternal Darkness. It Itself did not seem to exist, yet seven large cracks could be seen within the depts of the Darkness. They were bright, oddly enough in this realm of night, yet each of these cracks seemed to stretch endlessly.

"When the soul is injured, so is the body. If these cracks exist within his soul, what is going on with his body? This may explain the damage to his memories. What the hell are these?"

Opening my sights to the world of light once more, I could see a curious glint within his eyes as he stood still.

"Sene, what do you remember?" I worriedly asked, feeling his skin chill at my touch. It was almost like he was a stranger as the very air shifted to that of something I did not recognize.

He held me in his sights for but a few moments, carrying a smile that did not register within my memories, "Darkness. Pure Darkness." He uttered softly, yet his words held a heavy power that seemed to resound throughout space itself.

"To be the Darkness, one needs to be without. To be a monarch of Darkness, one needs to be."

"So a contradiction? Is that what it is?"

"Why not? Why cannot a contradiction be and not be?" He asked, mocking me with his stare. "You are unique, Lilith. You can see what I see, do not try to hide it. You hold with you the power that created existence. Yet you perceive True concepts. The strings that connect it all."

Widen my eyes, I placed my fingers upon his head, as his eyes lost focus in that instant. Growing still as if he were dead, I could feel the warmth return to his body as tears ran from my eyes.

"You idiot... the Weave is not meant for you, nor I." I gently muttered, passing my hands through his hair, "No matter your ability to adapt, the Weave is not something even your brother, nor any other being in existence can comprehend.

You are not the first to be able to see the Weave. There have been many, millions even, but each of them... Each of them became lost in the madness, and you, my darling, no matter your title or power, you will too fall into madness just as I. "

Passing my hands continuously through his hair, the minutes began to continue on before Deb sprinted towards me with a vibrant smile dressed in common robes of the lower class. Holding my tongue, she approached with a peachy smile.

"Sleeping already? Your husband truly is a free spirit, isn\'t he." She inquired, grinning from ear to ear.

"Yes, he is," I responded, recalling those cracks within his mind.

"Concepts?" I hollowly muttered, "but why are there seven? That cannot be right, but only those with more than three concepts can see the Weave."

"I\'m sorry?" Deb called out, "I didn\'t quite hear that."

"It\'s nothing," I vibrantly stated, patting Arsenes cheeks till he groaned.

"Li... Yura?" He called out, a little confused.

Lifting his head from off my shoulder, he turned to deb, suspicious stare. Turning to me, I decided not to speak about his. Not hear, at least. The Weave itself is already dangerous for lower beings like Arsene. Even if he does become a True God, Nothing will change. The Weave is not meant to be seen.

"I must have fallen asleep on my gorgeous wife." He gleefully announced, playing off his confusion for Deb. However, it was all too clear he, too, was confused.

Stretching my arms, I smiled, rising to my feet as Dreck and his other whore approached with a charming smile, unbefitting his looks. He was not particularly handsome, at least not when compared to my hubby. His hair was curly black, and he too had freckles like deb... Oh God, I hope that\'s not the case.

"Your staring, "the Charming man uttered with a smile.

"It\'s just, No. Never mind. It\'s nothing." I hesitantly said as Arsene remained silent, staring at me like I had done something to him.

Holding back my smile at his puppy dog eyes, Dreck narrowed his eyes as if to be mysterious. "Come now. We are about to be traveling for several months; I am sure you can tell me."

"Well... are you two related?" I inquired in a squeaky voice, appearing rather shameful to ask such a question. "It\'s just you have freckles, and to be honest, the bone structure is just a little..."

"She\'s my third cousin." Dreck stated without a hint of shame, "Nothing wrong with that, is there? My other wife is her first daughter from her first marriage."

"the hell is going on here?" Arsene asked, baffled at what he was hearing. "I\'m sorry I was a little out of it. What did you just say?"

"It\'s normal, hubby!" I shouted, patting his head like one would a lost puppy, "It\'s quite common for those in the lower class to marry into their family, same for those at the higher class. Although from what I hear, it has been rather frowned upon as of late."

"But true love stops for no man!\' Dreck chanted, slapping his chest, "I do not discriminate!"

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