500th Time Reborn, A World Only Known By Women: The Karma System

Chapter 309 [Bonus Chapter] Proper Backstory

"So, do you have any ideas for our story?" I asked, and Olivia nodded while she thought about it for a few minutes. She started playing with her hair as she thought over the question, making me wonder if that was something that she just did when thinking hard about something or not. I would have to ask her about it at some point in time, though, so for now, I left the topic alone.

"I don\'t know; we are going to have to come up with something that matches both our appearances. I am guessing that if you are trying so hard to hide your identity, then you might want something far different than the average person around here," Olivia explained, and I nodded along as well. She was right, of course; anything too common would be suspicious, but at the same time, it couldn\'t be too outlandish, or we would never get away with using it in the first place.

"Yeah, well, people tend to believe what they want around these parts anyway, so maybe a simple story will work better for us than something more complex," I suggested after taking a moment more to think about things myself as well. We walked along side by side in silence for a few minutes before either of us finally decided on anything worth talking about again, though.

"Okay, I think that I have something we can work with then," Olivia said after a few minutes of walking, finally breaking the silence between us as she thought about things more.

"Oh yeah? Do tell," I replied, and she grinned over at me before taking a moment more to organize her thoughts again. This was going to be even harder than expected, it seemed, but it wasn\'t like she could just make something up out of thin air without thinking about it first, either. There were quite a few things that came along with creating an identity like this, after all.

"Yes, well. We could pretend to be Partners that lost their farm because of a flooded river and are now wandering around looking for work while they try to piece their life back together again. We can say that you did a mating ritual to get me, so that won\'t come up as an issue," Olivia explained, making me nod along slowly with her story. It seemed reasonable enough as far as I was concerned, but I wanted to hear more about it before deciding anything for sure just yet though.

"That sounds like it has potential, at least; we can build on that more later on if need be," I said after another moment\'s thought about the subject matter at hand here. If this is what she wanted, then who was I to argue against it? This story had some good parts in it already, whether or not every single thing fits perfectly right now.

"So we need to come up with some names for each other," Olivia said, changing the subject of our conversation as she looked over at me while still walking side by side. I nodded slowly along in response to her words, indicating that I agreed with what she had just said.

"Yeah, I think that would be a good idea. What are you thinking for yourself then?" I asked, and Olivia thought over the question for a few moments while looking down at herself before finally shaking her head slowly in response to my words.

"I haven\'t decided yet, but maybe something that is of Elvin heritage? It might help explain my darker skin tone now," Olivia suggested, making me nod along with her idea again. That actually sounded like it might work out pretty well, too, if we went along with it.

"That actually sounds like a really good idea! So should I call you Leafa? Or maybe something else?" I asked, and she nodded along while still thinking things over. She bit her bottom lip as she concentrated on coming up with a name, which made me start thinking about kissing her again. This was going to be harder than expected; trying not to let my mind wander off during the daytime if this continued on much longer, even if there was nothing wrong with it right now.

"No, Leafa will work just fine for me; and what should I call you then?" Olivia said after taking another moment to think about things some more before finally turning back towards me again for an answer instead of looking down at herself this time around.

"Just call me Rosey," I explained, and Olivia grinned over at me while holding out her hand for me to shake in greeting, which I did with a chuckle when she finally grabbed onto my hand with hers.

"It is nice to meet you, Rosey; I am Leafa," she said after we shook hands, and I nodded along with her words. It wasn\'t the best story in the world since it was so close to my real name, but it would have to do for now. I doubted that anyone would figure it out as long as they didn\'t know who I was, to begin with.

"Good to meet you, Leafa; now let\'s head on into town and see what we can find out about this place," I said after letting go of her hand with a smile, which Olivia returned back towards me just as brightly before the two of us decided to walk side by side again instead of holding hands any longer.

I was worried about this town coming up, and from what Kelly said, this place should be the hot spot for most of the problems With the cultists. She had said that it got worse the farther north we went. Since this was the farthest we could go, it stood to reason to think that this was going to be the worst place.

All we could do for now was blend in and see what we would learn from the people in this town. I knew we wouldn\'t be able to hide forever, but maybe we could learn something from them before they finally figured out who I really was and came after me in force. Either that or they will just run away to hide.

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