
Chapter 76 - The Ambush

Squinting eyes slightly, he abruptly spoke out "Such mind tricks would work more on a kid rather than showing such useless skill set to me." disdain filled his voice as he seem to be speaking to himself.

Clap! Clap!!

Nick walked out together with a student, in front of him. Meanwhile, behind him, two other fellows that David could barely recognised walked out from where they were hiding

"I honestly thought that this was enough to work on you but it seems you are quite skilled, I\'m really intrigued." Nick smiled as he stopped a few meters away from David.

Dav\'s eyebrows furrowed a bit as he tried to recall where he had seen this youth before. Suddenly, Dav\'s eyes flashed "Why would you attack me?" although he clashed with Nick a few days ago, he didn\'t think it was worth being this serious about it so he had forgotten about it. But who would have known that this guy was a really petty youth,holding on to the tiniest amount of grudge..

As Nick was about to proudly admit to attacking David, the lanky youth by his side, Sébastein quickly tugged on his cloth as he whispered something to his ears.

Nick\'s express suddenly darkened as he stared maliciously at Dav "You are a very siniter person. Why would you suddenly blame me when we had just met."

David sighed regretfully, Nick was about to fall for the trap but his surbodinates were quite smart.

His previous sentence was actually a trap he had made and if Nick had actually admitted to attacking another student without initiating a Forced Duel or a Mutual Duel, the institute would severely punish him for not abiding by the rules. If not because of the lanky youth,Nick would be a goner by now.

He stared Intently at Sébestein. He could barely feel any threats from the others, it was only Sébestein that gave him a slight feeling of caution.

Otherwise, he wouldn\'t be here wasting his time with these people. He had more important things to do, like sleeping.

"Well, that\'s quite unfortunate. If that is all, i will be in my way now." Dav turned around intending to leave, when he heard Nick said in anger. "Smash it now!"

Dav turned his head back to check, only to see a familiar blue cube streaking towards the floor with a blue blur.

Without warning, Dav\'s legs exploded in size, he stomped his foot forcefully and with a bang, his figure moved with amazing speed, stretching his hands to catch the cube that was about to hit the ground.

David wasn\'t stupid, the last time he suffered a loss because he couldn\'t counter this thing and now that he had just come from the library, he had at least a dozen ways to easily counter the effect of the EMP but all of them required a certain amount of Gyno Points to buy the Contraptions to counter them.

The only non Gyno point method was to catch the Cube before it broke and that was what he intended to do.

But as his hands touched the cube, his hair suddenly trembled and without hesitation, he immediately withdrew his hands but not without using his middle finger to lightly flick the EMP cube a few inches upwards.

The moment he removed his hands, a pointed foot sliced through the air, cutting the tip of his middle finger like a sharp sword, slicing a bit of his finger nail in the process. All these took about a second to happen. David frowned slightly. A combat technique right off the bat.

The situation was a little troublesome. The one who had sliced with the Sword Foot was the lanky youth, Sébestein. It was like he had predicted what David was going to do. And had attacked quickly.

One would think Sébestein would undoubtedly be punished by Institute but, according to the calculations made by the AI, since Sébestein was the one who had thrown the cube, and also,the aim of his technique was also the cube, there wasn\'t anything that could be blamed on him.

David\'s hands just happened to be in the way. In other words, Sébestein was only trying to break the cube he threw but was interrupted by David\'s fingers, since he couldn\'t pull back his technique, he could only watch with wide eyes as he almost cut off his fellow students hands. That\'s exactly how the Main AI would calculate it.

Although one couldn\'t lie to the Main AI, one could manipulate or deceive it

The Sword Foot is an extremely sharp attack that could cut through anything it passes by. Once practiced to the highest state - Sword Shadows, ones foot sword would create multiple shadows to cut down multiple foes. One can easily be able to sever the body parts of an Evolved Beast.

Sébestein had chosen this technique for its deadliness and sharpness. Also, its attacks was also as fast as lightning.

If he hadn\'t pulled his hands back when he did, David knew no matter how strong he was, he would never be able to repel the attacks with his fingers alone.

David retreated a few steps backward. He watched with a serious expression as he gazed at the lanky youth and asked.

"And who are you supposed to be?" David didn\'t mind as the cube smashed the floor nor did he mind the arcs of lightning flashes as the EMP took its form and was activated.

He only concentrated his attention to the one in front of him. Sébestein gaze had also turned solemn as he saw David. His attack was very fast and he had even struck out first so according to his calculations, he should have severed at least the two tallest fingers on David\'s hands, but he hadn\'t expected his opponent to be even faster.

Before he could respond, a loud voice echoed off "Haha! You are done for, i will make sure to teach you a lesson to never mess with me. What are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and attack him!" Nick shouted furiously while pointing at David.

David said nothing, and watched on with cold eyes as the four students slowly attempt to surround him and pincer an attack on him.

David wasn\'t one to keep quiet and silently suffer. He kept an eye on the lanky youth since David\'s intuition told him he was the real threat.

Although he could barely feel any threats from Nick and the other two students, they outnumbered him four to one. The threat level definitely increase with the that.

He peered at Nick intently. "You do not want to do this." he warned.

"Who are you to tell me what and what not to do? You must be feeling fear now right." Nick sneered with a smirk.

"Hurry up and beat him up, there is only 20 plus seconds left for the EMP to end. Finish quickly and let\'s hurry outbid herr." Nick hollered.

Hearing this, As Sébestein almost stumbled on his feet as he muttered \'This stupid idiot! Can\'t even keep his damn mouth shut. Now the opponent also knows to stall us for a duration of 20 seconds. This is going to be troublesome\'

David ignored the naive fools words he already knew that the EMP was a low level gadget with only a 49bsecinds duration.

With a slight quiver of his muscles, his muscles expanded.

David\'s legs landed on the floor and it gave a deafening thud as he vanished from his position, his speed was simply too fast for his foes to react. The floor was made of a special type of metal mixed together with the concrete causing a a deep foot depression on the hard material. It was almost cold and sinister.

Before they knew it, David was already before one of them. His figure dashed ahead with blinding speed.

Heat circulated along with the flow of his hearts as he punched out.

Fast! It was too fast!

The spot David had stood before was a few meters away from them but suddenly, every one was just able to see a blur before David appeared before one of them.

It was only then that they acted. Their reaction speed was simply too slow.

"Not good!" The youth\'s heart jumped as he retreated whike trying to quickly circulate his combat technique.

Unfortunately, he could only cross his hands in a bid to block the attack. He didn\'t have enough time to circulate his combat technique as he needed almost a second to get the flow of his blood and his muscles to activate his technique.

However, he was too slow and in David\'s eyes, he was full of weaknesses and one second was all that David needed.

There was a cold glint in David\'s eyes as he punched of it with Scorching Fury.


The air shook as the wind swirled. A loud explosion soumded out as a figure was sent flying in mid air.

David didn\'t waste his time to check on how the figure ended up, he swiftly turned arouns.

A spinning kick was heading towards his head. Although he had been very fast, Sébestein had fast enough reaction speed to attack as he was busy dealing with someone else.

Sébestein was spinning in air and had executed three Sword foot!.The air screeched with force.

Seeing this,David\'s eyes flickered as he stretched both of his hands, flipping them sideways, he repeatedly slashed down forcefully at the sword foot!

Clang! Clang! Clang!

It was almost like the sound of metals ccolliding. He blocked the attack. David\'s body trembled slightly due to the force.. But before anyone notice, he regained stability instantly.

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