The World seems Realistic but Why do I have a Leveling System?

Chapter 152 - The Ninja Behind The Scene

Shall we go back in time? To the time when Sheila was having a meeting with Mia and Angelica at the restaurant in a private room. Meanwhile, somewhere else, in the same district. A girl in black getup could be seen sneakily jumping off from rooftop to another, the sight was quite amazing yet none was there to witness it as even if there was someone looking out of the window or in the balcony, they wouldn\'t be able to see her figure as currently, her presence was the same as that of a pebble at the side of the road. 

The figure had something that outshined her from the rest of the average people, and that is her beautiful silver-white hair. Even if she had simply taken a walk normally down the street, everyone that came across her would at least steal a second glance at her hair without a doubt. The small figure in a strangely black getup was none other than Sylvia. 

Currently, she was following someone while making sure that the target didn\'t notice of her presence by taking advantage of her power to the fullest. She didn\'t know her target but that doesn\'t matter as this mission was given to her and she will accomplish it. Sheila is relying on her by giving this mission to her, so why would she let her hopes down? Plus, with her set of skills and class, this kind of mission is just a breeze to her. 

In fact, it would have been much harder if not for the bracelet in her hand. This bracelet had the power to detect/sense people with mana in their bodies. Basically, it\'s a magic item that would alert her if there\'s a mage around simply having the bracelet with her, at least within three miles in range. As for her mission, she was told to investigate if there\'s any base for the mages around in the district and memorize their location before informing Sheila of the news, that was the primary mission. There were still a few sub-missions but Sheila had told her it was fine if she didn\'t fulfill it since it wasn\'t important, most likely because she could have done the investigation personally after knowing their base location.

But Sylvia didn\'t agree with that thinking and if there\'s a chance she could complete the sub-missions, she would gladly do it without any hesitation. Of course, she had kept this a secret from Sheila in case the latter decided to take it back knowing that she would be at risk of exposing herself to the \'not-an-enemy-just-yet\'. 

With that being said, it wasn\'t easy to find a mage in a huge crowd of people. It took her quite a while until she found someone in which the bracelet gave her the alert and before the target could escape, she immediately jumped off on top of the building while sneakily looking down on her target. The target seemed to be a male in a suit, perhaps the man was using the corporate job as a disguise from his real identity that of a mage. Or maybe it was his actual job.

Either way, it seemed the target had just relieved himself from his job by the look on his face and was on his way to somewhere, perhaps his home. Sylvia didn\'t care and just follow the target by jumping off another building when the target had put up a distance from her but still didn\'t escape from her sight. She didn\'t follow closely on the street is because she didn\'t want to alert her target as it\'s possible for her to get caught by the target, maybe there\'s a magecraft that would alert them of the danger around them, something like that.

That was why she put a distance from her target yet not far enough to escape from her. Since it was also her first time doing this kind of suspicious job, she had to make sure not to make any mistake. When the target was waiting for a bus near the bus stop, Sylvia also took this chance to eat the bread she had just bought while still sitting on the rooftop of a building. It feels pretty refreshing due to the tall height of the building in which she could feel the strong breeze passing through her body.

Now that she thought about it, she didn\'t seem to be scared of height. When she was about to commit suicide back then, she thought it was merely her last courage that appeared to shut down the fear of height that most people had, but she was mistaken. Because she had never stood on top of a tall building, that is why she never knew if she had a fear of height or not. Or perhaps, it might be because of her own power that gives her the courage.

When she was about to finish her bread, she could see the bus from afar, it won\'t be long before it arrived at the bus stop where her target was waiting. With that as a signal, Sylvia quickly eats up the bread before standing on her feet and head toward the building near the bus stop by jumping off from her previous location. While she was following her target, a thought suddenly entered her mind. It was about the event happened in school weeks ago.

Sylvia\'s POV

Although I had acquired a way to grow stronger by defeating monsters in a different dimension, I would still get bully in school since it wasn\'t because I was weak that I got bullied in the first place. It was because I didn\'t bother fighting back against them that they thought I\'m an easy target. One of their reasons for bullying was because of my beautiful silver-white hair, someone was jealous of it apparently. Of course, I wish I had different hair, at the very least, the same as others. I never want to stand out but because of my hair, no matter how I go, the people would always steal a glance toward me without a doubt. I don\'t mind being average if that\'s what it meant to not gain any attention from the people and just mind my own business.

But as I had said in many times, god is cruel. Even if my hair was changed to that of a norm, there\'s also apparently those who bullied me because of my beautiful appearance. It wasn\'t just my hair that stood out in particular. At first, few classmates interrupted while I was being bullied but after getting isolated by others due to a false and wicked rumor of them spread by someone, they soon move to another school, one by one until none were left. I don\'t know who spread those rumors but anyways, by then, no one would obstruct the bullying from happening.

It was only later that I knew who was the one spreading the rumors but by then, I was already on the verge of breaking apart so I don\'t really care anymore. And it was then that Sheila came in. The whole point of why I was explaining this was because after I was introduced to a whole new world and go to school the next day, for some unknown reason, the bullying didn\'t happen. As for the bullies, the moment their eyes met mine, I could sense a terror within them as they immediately look away before heading the opposite of my way.

I didn\'t know what happen that cause them to look at me that way nor do I have the opportunities to ask them since they always ran away from me whenever I get close to them. It was as if I\'m their maker and if they didn\'t run away from me, I would do something bad to them or so what the other thought when they saw the scene happening in front of them. Because of that, no one would come close to me in fear that I would do something to them, although I was left alone without any problem, this still could be count as bullying doesn\'t it?

It might have been the work of Sheila, after all, she was the one said wanting to help me, one way or another. Of course, I didn\'t go and ask her about it since she didn\'t say anything; I will keep my mouth shut too. I thought it was going to be a bit problematic but after a few days passed, I was already used to it and thought that either way, it doesn\'t matter. Plus, from what Sheila said, the world might turn chaotic where a peaceful life would be nothing but the past. If that becomes true, there\'s definitely a need for me to get stronger so that I could survive in such a world.

That\'s one of the reasons why I don\'t care anymore whether I was getting bullied or not since I have a more important issue at hand. Ever since then, all I did was to level up by defeating slimes in the Trial Tower and when I was free or on a break, I\'d get to know more about Sheila\'s hobbies, no matter what it is, be it games or animes. If one wanted to get closer to someone, they have to know about that person\'s hobby and such. With that thought in mind, that\'s how I spent my days from now on. It was only later that Sheila had asked me for help which I agreed to since I\'m free anyway afterschool and that due to the time dilation in the Trial Tower, it isn\'t a problem even if I enter it late at night.

While I was having such thought in mind, it seemed the target has finally arrived at the bus stop near his house and I immediately follow right after while also not forgetting to put a distance from him. As to how I know it was near his house? I only need to follow him to know where he goes and since he didn\'t act overly suspicious, it seemed that was truly his house instead of a fake one like the one the spy in the movie did as a disguise for another person. Once I memorize his house address, I immediately took a leave. 

This should be enough investigation for today; I\'ll come back here tomorrow and see if he would show me the base for the mages in this region. I wonder what Sheila\'s doing right now? Maybe she was playing a game? If that is the case, I hope I could get home in time to ask her to teach me. Even if it turned out I was bad at the game, I would still enjoy playing it so long as it was with her. The time I spent with her is not a waste, after all. Then, what am I waiting for? Let\'s speed up my pace and get home quickly.

With that, Sylvia speed up as fast as she could, jumping off from building to another at a frightening speed that would make athletic pissed their pants if they had seen it personally. Unfortunately, she was too hasty to leave that she didn\'t see that another person had come to visit her target. Even more, the bracelet given to her by Sheila had alerted her of the unknown person yet, she was too focused on getting home faster than she didn\'t take notice of it.

But fortunately for her, if she had not left her previous location, that person would have noticed her presence even if there are miles away. After all, he was a mage who was specialized in detection skills. He could be said to be one among the best. If Sylvia\'s presence were made known to him, she would have no strength to resist as her stats were still weak even though she had gone above average. It seemed she was lucky.

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