Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 414

I was woken up by Aisha literally obliterating my door with her fist.

- Peter! Peter! PEEEETER! We need to go!

- What?! - I yelled back to her.

- Move your ass! We need to go! We will be late for the plane!

- Shit - I said way quieter, and quickly got myself out of the bed.

I fixed my hair a bit. It was a mess anyway, but at least I made it a bit less \'messy\'. I really needed a haircut, and also a shave by that point. I never paid too much attention to the way I looked, but everything has its limits.

After fixing myself somewhat, I opened the door, but she was already gone. I caught up with her, Will, agent Zander, and Agent Wolf in the city center. They all had bags, packed with stuff for the trip. I was the only one without anything.

- Good morning mister Peter - said both agents.

Will just silently nodded at me.

- Morning everybody - was my reply.

- You don\'t have any bak? - asked Aisha - You are not taking anything with you? No clothes?

- I have some stuff - I pulled pair of pants from the vault. - See?

- That\'s cool - said Wolf. - Can you store more things this way?

- Yeah. Don\'t tell me you want me to store your shit for you?

He shrugged his shoulders in response. I sighed, and took their bags from them, and placed it all in the vault.

- That\'s a very convenient trick - said Zander, then he looked at his wristwatch. - It\'s time to go.

WE started moving, but the fact that he had that thing was bugging me. "How the hell did he smuggle anything with the battery through the barriers?", I kept asking myself. "Did he get it here, in the device?"

I decided to find out.

- Hey, mister agent. Where did you get this watch? - I looked at him while asking.

- This one? - Zander presented it to me, by raising his hand and pulling the sleeve.

- Yes.

- I brought it with me from the United States, why?

- How the dell did you walked with it through the barriers?

- Oh, that\'s why you are asking - he smiled. - It\'s windup.

Now everything made sense. We walked for a bit, but at some point agents stopped, to take their jackets off, and roll the sleaves of theirs light blue shirts. It was just too hot to walk around fully suited up. They asked me to store their clothes for them, so I did.

After arriving at the gate hall we went straight to the offices for the temporary permits. There was a bunch of people there, waiting in line for the same thing, but we kinda had priority, and nobody really complained. I noticed though, that many of the people were peeking at me from time to time, so I guess the lack of complaints was somehow linked to me.

We go the documents quickly, and then we went outside to board two motor pontons. Those took un on the other side of the lake.

We had to walk a bit, but there was a road nearby, and two black sedans were already waiting for us. Aisha, Will, and Zander got into one, and I with Wolf into the other.

Then we were taken to the city. We didn\'t have to drive for too long to see the first buildings. Then I noticed a temple on my right, and soon after we crossed a railway.

- So, Peter... What made you decide to tag along on this trip? - Wolf asked me.

He wasn\'t looking directly at me, but rather through the window, at the buildings. He had a better view since there were actually building on his, left, side, while mine was pretty empty.

- Aisha asked me too.

- Why?

- Can you stop asking annoying questions?

He chuckled.

- Ok, I\'ll stop - ha said, and there was a brief pause in our conversation. - How about non-annoying questions?

- I doubt you have non-annoying ones.

He laughed again.

- What\'s the thing you want to see the most in the US? Is that an annoying one?

​ I sighed.

- There is nothing I really want to see, but I would happily try some food, maybe go to a spa, and relax a bit.

- What? - he genuinely got surprised. - A spa? Seriously?

- What\'s wrong with the spa?

- Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I just never thought you are a spa guy.

- I\'ve never been to a spa, so I don\'t know if I arm, but I would gladly relax a bit. Believe it or not, but I\'m a very stressed person.

- All those scary tricks of yours are stressing you out?

- No, but dealing with assholes like you is.

He rolled his eyes.

- I\'m a nice guy, Peter.

- Where is the \'mister\'? Did you lost it, or did we suddenly became best buddies?

- If you want me to call you mister, I will. I just wanted to be friendly, you know.

- Call me whatever you want, but cut the \'friendly\' bullshit. I know both of you have your agenda, and frankly speaking, I don\'t blame you, but that doesn\'t mean I\'m gonna let you do whatever you want in my home. So let\'s make things clear. If you pull some shit out there, I\'ll break your spine. The same goes for my family.

- Ok, Ok, Ok. Calm down - he rose both of his hands in a gesture of surrender. - There is no need for threats.

I just shook my head. He was still trying to keep up the facade.

The car turned to the left, and soon after we turned right again, and again, then stopped in front of a police station.

- It\'s our destination - said Wolf, and unbuckled, and opened the door, to leave.

I did the same and followed him inside. Will and Aisha were already there, and some police officers were guiding them somewhere, so we just tagged along. In one of the rooms inside an office was set up. We had to sign a bunch of documents there. Fortunately, everything was in English, so I could actually read the thing.

It was a bunch of bullshit, like taking responsibility for my actions on the territory of India, according to the law. Respecting the government, and some stuff about religion. I also had to agree to be prosecuted in case of committing a crime.

I wrote that I\'m agreeing to do it for twenty hours, and then signed. The officials were not happy about that and tried to tell me that this won\'t work, but I just stared at them, so they eventually gave up, since the agents told them that I\'m leaving for the US anyway, and everybody in the chain of commands knows about this anyway.

They made some calls and somehow allowed me to go with this.

We were assigned an assistant, who would tag along with us on our trip to Porbandar Airport where a private jet was to take us to America. I got a guy named Vikram Kaur.

An elegant young man in a nice suit. He seemed a bit scared of me, although he tried his best to hide it.

After the paperwork was done, we got back in the cars and drove off to our destination.

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