It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 706: AN INTERVIEW

Chapter 706: AN INTERVIEW

"Good afternoon, do you know Apple Duncan?" someone asked Nadia, who was still standing where she was and trying to process everything Apple had just told her.         

Nadia was still trying to remember all those things that Apple said and no matter how upset she was and how hard she tried to deny it, she couldn\'t do that, because what Apple said was true. She had done all those deeds and now her only daughter would live a luxurious life full of wealth without her.     

All of these things made her head hurt. She felt guilty, but on top of that, she felt very sorry that this resulted in her being dumped by Apple.     

Who would have thought that in the end Apple would marry Jayden Tordoff? Who would have thought that her not-so-beautiful and smart daughter would marry into the Tordoff family?     

If only she knew about it…     

Nadia couldn\'t think straight now.     

"Good afternoon, do you know Apple Duncan?" The man repeated his greeting because it seemed that Nadia did not pay attention to this at all.     

And then after being greeted for the second time, Nadia got startled and finally turned to find a young man smiling kindly at her.     

He was wearing glasses and a backpack that was quite large, his style also looked casual.     

"Yes? Who are you?" Nadia asked with furrowed brows. She didn\'t notice his presence earlier because her mind was all over the place, but she was surprised now that someone would ask about Apple in a house that wasn\'t hers.     

"I\'m Brandon, a reporter, can we talk for a minute?" asked Brandon with a very friendly smile. He looked so young and sweet and made no one wary of him.     

And what was more, he was a reporter from a media company which was slapped with a legal lawsuit against the news they spread a while ago and almost faced bankruptcy.     

If it wasn\'t for Jayden Tordoff being busy with a legal battle against the Gevano family, then it was certain that the company would have declared their bankruptcy by now, but since it looked like the Tordoff family\'s legal team was very busy with the case with the Gevano family, then their attacks had softened a bit on them.     

Therefore, Brandon should have followed Apple to find an opportunity to talk to her, negotiate about the news they had published and ask Apple to withdraw the lawsuit.     

But, it turned out that it actually brought Brandon to this place and his instincts as a journalist told him that there was something interesting about this woman\'s relationship with Apple.     

Therefore, against his better judgment, Brandon approached this middle-aged woman.     

"Yes, I know Apple," replied Nadia with a low tone and a confused look on her face.     

"How do you know her?" Brandon was getting more and more curious, even though they were talking like this, blocked by the gate.     

"Of course I know her, she is my daughter," said Nadia, slightly annoyed by the question.     

Why was everyone asking her that question?     

"So..." Brandon looked surprised when he heard this. They had only known about Apple\'s father because they assumed that her mother had died, since there was no information about her mother or who she was. "So… you are her mother?"     

"Of course," replied Nadia curtly, she felt like she was belittled for saying that she was the mother of Apple. Why would they think that? Very annoying, right?     

On the other hand, as a journalist, of course Brandon was a sensitive person, so he immediately realized his mistake in responding like this and immediately issued his favorite sweet words to improve the atmosphere.     

"Please forgive me, of course you are the mother of Apple Duncan, I can see the resemblance between the two of you, you must have had Apple when you were very young, because even now you look very young." Brandon could see the change in Nadia\'s facial expression and eagerly continued his lip service. "I was surprised because I thought you were her sister."     

And after that, Nadia looked very satisfied and even smiled a little at Brandon. "What do you want?" she asked in a low and slightly softer voice than before.     

"I\'m a journalist," Brandon said. "I happened to be covering the news about Jayden Tordoff and his fiancée, Apple. You must be very happy to learn that your future son-in-law is from the Tordoff family."         

Nadia snorted when she heard this and of course the change in expression did not go unnoticed by Brandon.     

"May I come in and ask you a few things about your daughter?" asked Brandon kindly.     

"Inquiring about my daughter?" asked Nadia with narrowed eyes. She was suspicious of this man in front of her and Brandon immediately took out his business card and showed it to Nadia. "What do you want to know about my daughter?" Nadia asked after she read the business card and remembered the name of this media company.     

"There are a few questions I\'d like to ask," Brandon said. "They are just a few simple questions."     

Nadia looked at Brandon with suspicious eyes, but then a question escaped her lips.     

"Are you going to pay me as a source?" Nadia heard that a source when interviewed would be paid, therefore, she thought of asking about it.     

On the other hand, Brandon of course immediately understood what Nadia wanted.     

However, he was a little surprised, if her future son-in-law was Jayden Tordoff, how could she still think about the small money she would get from the interview?     

"Of course," Brandon replied cheerfully. "Can we talk inside?" he asked and Nadia opened the gate for the reporter.     


Apple took her time before going back home to see her dad and Jack, because Jayden would be home a little late tonight.     

And as soon as she reached the front porch, she could hear her father teaching Jack something and the boy\'s cheerful voice.     


*Read my new book: KISSED BY THE DARK ALPHA*     

Alpha Micah Donovan\'s second chance mate.     

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