Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 122 - Roll Over And Die!

After saying that, Krakus gave a vicious smirk at Aleyria and Blackfire and slowly folded the dragon scroll.

"The Dragon Emperor has spurned you and your friends, you are NOT to disturb him anymore! You lowlives who could only beg pitifully for His Royal Highness for help, you should grow some backbone! Stand up for yourself! Why ask people for help when you can help yourself?" Krakus lectured them with a deep sense of self-righteousness.

"Pitiful mongrels like you should learn to know your place. If you have to die, then just roll over and die! Why dirty the mind of a great God like Magius by contacting him and asking for help? In fact, you should not even bother praying to him! KNOW YOUR DAMN PLACE AND DIE WHEN IT\'S TIME TO DIE!" Krakus shouted vehemently.

Aleyria turned around to glance at Blackfire, who glanced at her as well. What a vicious person!

"Lowlives such as you do not deserve to live long anyway. You don\'t deserve to be helped. You don\'t deserve to even be considered to be helped. The purpose of your pathetic and miserable lives is just to fill the universe with a labour force and give birth to MORE labour force." Krakus continued his rant.

"Let me bestow upon you an immeasurable kindness today by giving you advice which you would do well to follow. Are you ready?" Krakus said seriously.

"Oh boy, I can\'t wait." Fluff-fluff muttered half sarcastically, half seriously. "I wonder what sort of immeasurably kind advice this rotten airhead has for us." She even stopped licking her paws to look at Krakus in anticipation.

Seeing that even the cat was paying attention to him, Krakus\'s chest puffed up a little. "My advice to you is… BETTER LUCK NEXT LIFE! FOOLS!"

"HA HA HA HA HA!!" Krakus roared with laughter as he felt a deep sense of satisfaction at a vicious insult well delivered.

The second man frowned slightly, but did and said nothing. He merely stood slightly behind Krakus and sighed very lightly and inaudibly.


Unexpectedly, Fluff-fluff was doubled up with laughter too!

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! Of all the things he could say… He had to say better LUCK next life!! Hahahahahahahaha! MEOW!! MEOWWW!!!" Fluff-fluff was so tickled that she alternated between cat sounds and human speech without even noticing it.

For a few strange moments, Aleyria and Blackfire could only watch helplessly as two supremely powerful beings laughed their heads off.

After a few seconds, Krakus noticed the fat cat laughing and felt a little bit strange. "I am laughing because I just delivered a great insult to them. But why is that fat cat, who is probably a powerful master in cat form, also laughing?"

The strangeness sucked all the mirth away from Krakus and he stopped laughing abruptly. He glared at the still-laughing cat with a growing sense of suspicion. "If the fat cat is not laughing WITH me, then could it be that it is laughing AT me?"

"HEY!" Krakus bellowed at Aleyria and Blackfire as he pointed at Fluff-fluff with a regal bearing. "Why is that ugly fat cat laughing?"

Both Aleyria and Blackfire had not said a single word to Krakus and both had no intention to start, so they remained silent.

"You blithering imbelices! Are you dumb, blind and retarded? Say something! Cat got your tongue?" Krakus fumed.

"BWAAAA HA HA HA HA HA!! CAT… HAHAHAHA!! TONGUE…!! HAHAHAHAHA!!" For some reason, Fluff-fluff found Krakus and his words extremely hilarious. She rolled around on Alexander\'s face and plop! Fell onto his chest.

Krakus glowered fiercely and slowly released all of his power. Tiny explosions began to appear all around him and the temperature began to rise exponentially.

He was finally serious in his attempt to kill the group of people in that irritating golden sphere.

"Your Maj- Ah nevermind." The second man was just about to advise Krakus not to do it when he decided that it would be a complete waste of his words. Instead, he waved his hand and summoned a transparent shield around him. He turned to look at the Starship and sent out a mental message.

"Leave now. You only have a few short minutes before you die if you remain here."

He then sighed deeply and looked at Krakus with a resigned look on his face. It seemed like it was not his first time seeing Krakus become angry and release his full power.

Streams of red coloured light began to surge towards Krakus from all directions and smash into his body. Each time a stream of red coloured light smashed into him, the temperature around him would spike.

The tiny explosions around his body began to grow larger and larger.

In the distance, Aleyria could see all the motherships and their fleets racing away in all directions. Even the Starship itself was powering up madly and beginning to move away.

For the first time since Fluff-fluff casted that yellow sphere, Aleyria\'s senses began to tingle. Danger.

She turned to look at Fluff-fluff who was nearing the end of her laughing cycle.

"Oh my Lord. This man really cracks me up." Fluff-fluff said with a laugh.

"Errr… Fluff-fluff. Could you strengthen your shield a little bit?" Aleyria asked her.

"Huh? Why? Oh! Wow that man actually can cast Supernova? Why would Magius teach such a powerful spell to such a joker? I really need to talk to him about being more responsible as a teacher and as a God." Fluff-fluff muttered to herself.

"Supernova? What\'s that?" Aleyria asked as Blackfire looked at Fluff-fluff with great interest. As a fire dragon, Blackfire had a deep interest in fire-based spells and this \'Supernova\' spell seemed particularly epic and powerful.

"Supernova? It\'s just a great big fire spell that goes BOOM really loudly." Fluff-fluff said rather distractedly. She was waving her paws rapidly and weaving some sort of spell.

Even though she received such a vague answer, Aleyria kept quiet to avoid disturbing Fluff-fluff. Afterall, their lives were fully in her hands. Paws.

After a few long seconds which saw the power of Krakus\'s Supernova spell shooting impossibly high up, Fluff-fluff gave a satisfied sound and said, "There. That should do it."

"Did you successfully strengthen our defenses?" Aleyria asked with a relieved smile.

"What? No, why would I do that?" Fluff-fluff asked Aleyria back in surprise.

"Huh? But… He\'s casting Supernova!" Aleyria said in shock. "What were you doing then?"

"Oh, don\'t worry about that little boy. He and his cute spell repertoire can\'t do anything to us here. Not even Supernova." Fluff-fluff chuckled lightly. "You\'d need to be a much more powerful entity for Supernova to even be worth talking about.

I was just crafting a very \'nicely\' worded message to Magius." Fluff-fluff gave a devilish grin - as devilish as her cute face allowed.

"Wha-what did you tell him?" Aleyria asked. She had an extremely bad feeling about this.

"Nothing much, really. I told him in no uncertain terms that I found his short and rude reply very disturbing, and that the disturbance was compounded exponentially by the fact that he had to send a blithering fool to deliver the message. And as a result,stemming completely from that sense of disturbance, I am starting to sense the beginnings of a disaster of monstrously epic proportions brewing for him and his little dragon buddies. As you know, I am a little bit of a soothsayer in stuff like this.

I also dwelled rather extensively on the various dragon body parts that would be floating around in space should an extremely scary meteor accidentally smash into his dragon planet. Of course I didn\'t forget to mention that the Universe would truly be a cold and sad place without its final God to grace us with his… well… existence."

Aleyria found Fluff-fluff\'s reply so ridiculously audacious that she had no choice but to laugh.

"OH MY GOD!" Aleyria was screaming internally even as she was laughing out loud with helpless incredulity. "Did she just THREATEN Magius and his beloved dragons, IN NO UNCERTAIN TERMS, with horrible deaths?!?!"

As if sensing Aleyria\'s discomfort, Fluff-fluff leapt up onto her shoulder and purred.

"Hehehe, don\'t worry. That\'s exactly what that dirty old man deserves for sending such a ridiculously idiotic person to deliver his message. In fact... Ah darn it! I should have spent more time hinting that I am very much displeased by that stupid fool out there! That way, good old Magius would probably quickly come over and teach him a painful lesson to make me feel better in order to avoid a disastrous calamity."

"Wouldn\'t he get angry at you for threatening him so… viciously?" Aleyria asked.

"Of course not! I am, after all, just a very fat and lucky cat. Who cares if I make a little bit of a fuss? Definitely not a great and mighty God like him." Fluff-fluff purred lightly. "Plus, the consequences of pissing me off is… calamitous. Magius knows that very well.  And this fool will soon learn that the hard way."

A glint of insanity flashed in her eyes for a quick moment before disappearing.

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